// Fatality CFG for Quake II // gfc.fatality@mail.ru unbindall deathmatch "1" //Movements bind w "+forward" bind a "+moveleft" bind s "+back" bind d "+moveright" bind alt "+speed" bind c +rj //MOUSE bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" set sensitivity "6.0" set m_filter "1" set m_pitch "0.020" set m_yaw "0.022" set freelook "1" //Weapons bind ctrl "+movedown" bind b "use Machinegun;use Shotgun" bind e "use HyperBlaster;use chaingun" bind r "use Grenade Launcher" bind q "use Railgun" bind f "use Super Shotgun" bind shift "use Rocket Launcher" //Sets set hand "2" set cl_run "1" set crosshair "2" set win_noalttab "0" set vid_fullscreen "1" set viewsize "100" set fov "90" set cl_gun "0" set in_mouse "1" //Grafik set gl_modulate "20" set intensity "2" set vid_gamma "0.7" set cl_maxfps "90" //stuff bind z "inven" bind mouse3 "invuse" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind ' "invdrop" bind + "sizeup" bind , "+moveleft" bind - "sizedown" bind = "sizeup" bind [ "invprev" bind ] "invnext" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind BACKSPACE "invdrop" bind TAB "score" bind y "messagemode2" bind space "+zoom" bind g "drop tech" //USES bind i "use invulnerability" bind p "use power shield" //vocabulary bind 1 say " :)" bind 2 say " :(" bind 3 say "a s zadi shas trahnu teba" bind 5 say "B kakaxy" bind 6 say "sory" bind 7 say "i-i-i-i-i-ga-ga-ga" bind 4 say "All be back!!" bind 8 say "A-A-A-A-A-A-A KO3LIb" bind 9 say "DA a to v voennie vremena o-o-o-o" bind F4 "sv" "addbot" "Reaper" "cyborg/oni911" "bots/reaper_c.c" "reaper" bind delete "kill" bind F2 ready_on bind F5 "set cl_maxfps 90" bind F6 "set cl_maxfps 120" bind F7 "set cl_maxfps 130" bind F9 "vid_restart" bind ins "sky space1" bind F10 "quit" bind F12 "screenshot" //drop's button bind del drop "Shotgun;drop Super Shotgun;drop shells;drop Machinegun;drop Chaingun;drop bullets;drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;drop HyperBlaster;drop cells;drop railgun;drop slugs;drop bfg10k" bind kp_pgdn drop "Super Shotgun;drop shells" bind kp_5 drop "Chaingun;drop bullets" bind kp_rightarrow drop "grenade launcher;drop grenades" bind kp_home drop "rocket launcher;drop rockets" bind kp_uparrow drop "HyperBlaster;drop cells;drop cells;drop bfg10k" bind kp_pgup drop "railgun; drop slugs" bind kp_leftarrow drop "power shield" //Sound Options set cl_stereo_separation "1" set cd_nocd "1" set s_primary "0" set s_mixahead "0.2" set s_loadas8bit "0" set s_khz "22" set s_volume "0.5" //Download set allow_download "0" set allow_download_players "0" set allow_download_models "0" set allow_download_sounds "0" set allow_download_maps "0" set sv_reconnect_limit "3" //set's set gl_3dlabs_broken "1" set gl_swapinterval "1" set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" set gl_ext_pointparameters "1" set gl_ext_multitexture "1" set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1" set gl_ext_swapinterval "1" set gl_vertex_arrays "1" set gl_texturesolidmode "default" set gl_texturealphamode "default" set gl_driver "opengl32" set gl_finish "0" set gl_shadows "0" set gl_mode "2" set gl_particle_att_c "0.01" set gl_particle_att_b "0.0" set gl_particle_att_a "0.01" set gl_particle_size "10" set gl_particle_max_size "10" set gl_particle_min_size "2" set g_select_empty "0" set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" set in_joystick "0" set in_mouse "1" set cl_vwep "1" set gender_auto "0" set gender "female" set msg "1" set rate "25000" set vid_ypos "22" set vid_xpos "3" set vid_ref "gl" set gender_auto "1" set cl_blend "0" set cl_lights "0" set cl_vwep "1" set gl_dynamic "0" set gl_flashblend "0" set gl_polyblend "0" set gl_round_down "0" set gl_ztrick "1" set hostname "" set name "[fatality]" set skin "female/kw_yellow" set lookstrafe "0" set lookspring "1" set sw_allow_modex "1" set sw_stipplealpha "0" set sw_mode "0" set sw_waterwarp "0" set cl_particles "1" set gl_saturatelighting "0" // Rocket Jump alias up "cl_pitchspeed 9999;+lookdown;" alias down "cl_pitchspeed 150;-lookdown" alias +rj "up;wait;wait;wait;+moveup;+attack" alias -rj "-attack;-moveup;down;centerview;" //Waves bind z "wave 1" bind x "wave 2" // Netgraph bind HOME lig alias lig lig1 alias lig0 "alias lig lig1;netgraph 0;echo Lags?;" alias lig1 "alias lig lig0;netgraph 1" //RECORD bind F8 "demo1" alias demo1 "record demo1;bind F8 stop1" alias stop1 "stop;bind F8 demo2" alias demo2 "record demo2;bind F8 stop2" alias stop2 "stop;bind F8 demo3" alias demo3 "record demo3;bind F8 stop3" alias stop3 "stop;bind F8 demo4" alias demo4 "record demo4;bind F8 stop4" alias stop4 "stop;bind F8 demo5" alias demo5 "record demo5;bind F8 stop5" alias stop5 "stop;bind F8 demo6" alias demo6 "record demo6;bind F8 stop6" alias stop6 "stop;bind F8 demo7" alias demo7 "record demo7;bind F8 stop7" alias stop7 "stop;bind F8 demo8" alias demo8 "record demo8;bind F8 stop8" alias stop8 "stop;bind F8 demo1" //zoom alias "+zoom" "set oldsens $sensitivity;set sensitivity 2;fov 30" alias "-zoom" "set sensitivity $oldsens;fov 100" //Alias alias m1 "map q2dm1" alias m2 "map q2dm2" alias m3 "map q2dm3" alias m4 "map q2dm4" alias m5 "map q2dm5" alias m6 "map q2dm6" alias m7 "map q2dm7" alias m8 "map q2dm8" alias mz2 "map ztn2dm2" alias mp "map ptrip" alias mz3 "map ztn2dm3" alias mw "map wasted" alias mm "map match1" alias ready_off "notready; bind F2 ready_on" alias ready_on "ready; bind F2 ready_off" alias te1 "gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST" alias te2 "gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR" alias te3 "gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" alias te4 "gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" alias te5 "gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" alias te6 "gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" alias qw "msg 3;qw1;qw2;msg 1" alias qw1 "wait;use grenades;wait;use shotgun;wait;use super shotgun;wait;use grenade launcher;wait;use machinegun;" alias qw2 "wait;use chaingun;wait;use rocket launcher;wait;use hyperblaster;wait;use railgun;wait;use bfg10k;" alias c "connect" alias cc "connect" // Welcome message clear Echo "" echo "  welkome to Quake II  " Echo "" Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo "Fatality for Quake 2 " Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo