unbindall // Drops weapon bind 1 "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets; say_team Rocket Launcher/Rockets was dropped!" bind 2 "drop railgun;drop slugs; say_team Railgun/Slugs was dropped!" bind 3 "drop chaingun;drop bullets; say_team Chaingun/Bullets was dropped!" bind 4 "drop super shotgun;drop shells; say_team Super Shotgun/Shells was dropped!" bind 5 "drop hyperblaster;drop cells; say_team Hyperblaster/Cells was dropped!" bind 6 "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades; say_team Grenade Launcher/Grenades was dropped!" // Use weapon bind t "use Shotgun; use Super Shotgun" bind w "use Railgun" bind r "use Rocket Launcher" bind g "use Machinegun; use Chaingun" bind q "use HyperBlaster" bind a "use Grenades; use Grenade Launcher" bind x "use BFG10K" // Movement bind e "+forward" bind d "+back" bind s "+moveleft" bind f "+moveright" bind SPACE "+walk" bind v "+movedown" alias +walk "cl_run 0" alias -walk "cl_run 1" bind z "+snipe" alias +snipe "set old_sensitivity $sensitivity; set old_fov $fov; set sensitivity 1.7; set fov 65" alias -snipe "set fov $old_fov; set sensitivity $old_sensitivity" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" alias +2jump "cl_maxfps 700;+moveup;2w;-moveup;2w;+moveup" alias -2jump "-moveup;cl_maxfps 90" alias 2w "wait;wait" alias 4w "w;w;w;w;w;w" alias mw "4w;4w;4w;4w;4w;4w;4w;4w" alias dj "bind mouse2 +2jump" alias sj "bind mouse2 +moveup" bind * "stop" bind F12 "screenshot" bind F2 "help" set skin "female/brianna" set lookstrafe "0" set lookspring "0" set m_pitch "0.022" set m_yaw "0.022" set scr_conspeed "10000" set bob_up "0" set bob_pitch "0" set bob_roll "0" set run_pitch "0" set run_roll "0" set sv_rollangle "2" set sv_rollspeed "200" set hand "2" set gun_x "4" set gun_y "9" set gun_z "7" set cl_particles "1.5" set cl_run "1" set cl_lights "0" set crosshair "1" set sensitivity "3.3" set win_noalttab "0" set viewsize "100" set m_filter "0" set gender_auto "1" set gender "female" set fov "110" set msg "1" set freelook "1" set cl_maxfps "90" bind RIGHTARROW "vup" bind LEFTARROW "vdn" alias vup vol_1 alias vdn vol_0 alias vol_0 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0;set vu 1;set vd w;alias vup vol_1; alias vdn vol_0;echo VOL |---------- 0" alias vol_1 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.1;set vu 2;set vd 0;alias vup vol_2; alias vdn vol_0;echo VOL -|--------- 1" alias vol_2 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.2;set vu 3;set vd 1;alias vup vol_3; alias vdn vol_1;echo VOL --|-------- 2" alias vol_3 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.3;set vu 4;set vd 2;alias vup vol_4; alias vdn vol_2;echo VOL ---|------- 3" alias vol_4 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.4;set vu 5;set vd 3;alias vup vol_5; alias vdn vol_3;echo VOL ----|------ 4" alias vol_5 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.5;set vu 6;set vd 4;alias vup vol_6; alias vdn vol_4;echo VOL -----|----- 5" alias vol_6 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.6;set vu 7;set vd 5;alias vup vol_7; alias vdn vol_5;echo VOL ------|---- 6" alias vol_7 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.7;set vu 8;set vd 6;alias vup vol_8; alias vdn vol_6;echo VOL -------|--- 7" alias vol_8 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.8;set vu 9;set vd 7;alias vup vol_9; alias vdn vol_7;echo VOL --------|-- 8" alias vol_9 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.9;set vu 10;set vd 8;alias vup vol_10;alias vdn vol_8;echo VOL ---------|- 9" alias vol_10 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 1;set vu w;set vd 9;alias vup vol_10;alias vdn vol_9;echo VOL ----------| 10" // Menu keys bind TAB "score" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind m "messagemode" // GL settings set gl_3dlabs_broken "1" set gl_swapinterval "0" set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "0" set gl_ext_pointparameters "1" set gl_ext_multitexture "1" set gl_ext_swapinterval "0" set gl_vertex_arrays "0" set gl_texturesolidmode "default" set gl_texturealphamode "default" set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" set gl_shadows "0" set gl_modulate "8" set gl_finish "0" set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1" set gl_mode "3" set gl_driver "opengl32" set gl_ztrick "1" set gl_round_down "0" set gl_particle_min_size "1.5" set gl_particle_max_size "1.5" set gl_particle_size "1.5" set gl_particle_att_a "0.01" set gl_particle_att_b "0.0" set gl_particle_att_c "0.01" // Game parametres set g_select_empty "0" set in_joystick "0" set in_mouse "1" // Video settings set sw_stipplealpha "0" set vid_gamma "0.45" set vid_ypos "22" set vid_xpos "3" set vid_ref "gl" set vid_fullscreen "1" set cl_vwep "1" set cd_nocd "1" set s_mixahead "0.2" set intensity "1.2" bind / "vid_restart" bind F11 "polyblend" bind F10 "skins_sel" alias polyblend "polyblend_off" alias polyblend_on "gl_polyblend 1; alias polyblend polyblend_off; echo Polyblend is ON" alias polyblend_off "gl_polyblend 0; alias polyblend polyblend_on; echo Polyblend is OFF" alias skins_sel "skins_off" alias skins_on "cl_noskins 0; skins; alias skins_sel skins_off; echo Skins is ON" alias skins_off "cl_noskins 1; skins; alias skins_sel skins_on; echo Skins is OFF" // Volume settings set s_volume "0.700000" set s_khz "22" set s_primary "1" set s_loadas8bit "0" set cl_stereo_separation "1.4" set s_mixahead "0.14" set s_initsound "1" // Deathmatch settings set sv_reconnect_limit "3" set allow_download "1" set allow_download_players "0" set allow_download_models "0" set allow_download_sounds "0" set allow_download_maps "1" set rate "25000" set hostname "Perfect Drug" // My messages bind SHIFT "say =)" bind h "say =(" bind o "say gl..." bind p "say gg" bind c "say nice" bind b "say thnx" // Team messages bind DEL "say_team I NEED A WEAPON !!!" bind INS "say_team ENEMY AT LIFT !" bind HOME "say_team ENEMY AT WATER/RAILGUN !" bind END "say_team ENEMY AT MEGAHEALTH ROOM !" bind PGUP "say_team ENEMY AT UPPER RL !" bind PGDN "say_team I AM AT MEGAHEALTH ROOM !" // Any addresses set adr0 "" set adr1 "" set adr2 "" set adr3 "" set adr4 "" set adr5 "" set adr6 "" set adr7 "" set adr8 "" // Aliases alias m1 "map q2dm1" alias m3 "map q2dm3" alias z2 "map ztn2dm2" alias z3 "map ztn2dm3" alias zb2 "game 3zb2re" alias gt "game tourney" alias duel "exec 1v1.cfg" alias team "exec team.cfg" alias dm "exec dmonly.cfg" alias add "sv add 1 10; echo One 3ZB2-Bot will be added..." alias bob_on "bob_up 0.002; bob_pitch 0.002; bob_roll 0.002; run_pitch 0.002; run_roll 0.002; echo Jiggles are ON now..." alias bob_off "bob_up 0; bob_pitch 0; bob_roll 0; run_pitch 0; run_roll 0; echo Jiggles are OFF now..." // Any binds for OSP-Mod bind [ "ready" bind ] "notready" bind UPARROW "invprev" bind DOWNARROW "invnext" bind ENTER "invuse" bind BACKSPACE "invdrop" bind F1 "menu" bind PAUSE "time" // My nicks alias n1 "name [rip.Flim]; echo Nick changed to [rip.Flim]" alias n2 "name 13^LaMo; echo Nick changed to 13^LaMo" alias n3 "name eNtire; echo Nick changed to eNtire" alias n4 "name |RupTurE|; echo Nick changed to |RupTurE|" alias n5 "name wrecK